Wednesday, July 11, 2012


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We are officially Twitting!

follow us for more info on sales and promotions! we'll post out our coming events at there too!

dont miss out!

twitt twitt!
Stary House

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this installer again.

'; $config_template = ''; if(isset($_POST['step'])) { $step = $_POST['step']; } else { $step = 1; } ?> Installation

Installation Form
Your configuration file does not exist at:


Create it now!.

If you prefer, you can create the configuration file using the code below:


Save the above code to a new file at: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE; } else { if(!fwrite($config_h, trim($config_data))){ $viewable_code = nl2br(str_replace("<","<",$config_data)); $error_strings[] = "Cannot write your configuration file to: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE." - Please change the directory permissions to allow write access.

If you prefer, you can create the configuration file using the code below:


Save the above code to a new file at: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE; } fclose($config_h); } } if(count($error_strings) > 0) { foreach($error_strings as $es) { echo "$es
"; } } else { echo $install_complete; } break; } ?> © Copyright