Friday, July 6, 2012

Stary House Blogspot goes mobile!!!

Stary House Blogspot running slow on your device?


Stary House Blogspot goes mobile! you can now view our blogspot using your phone for mobile version!

More stuff coming up and stay tune with Stary House


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this installer again.

'; $config_template = ''; if(isset($_POST['step'])) { $step = $_POST['step']; } else { $step = 1; } ?> Installation

Installation Form
Your configuration file does not exist at:


Create it now!.

If you prefer, you can create the configuration file using the code below:


Save the above code to a new file at: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE; } else { if(!fwrite($config_h, trim($config_data))){ $viewable_code = nl2br(str_replace("<","<",$config_data)); $error_strings[] = "Cannot write your configuration file to: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE." - Please change the directory permissions to allow write access.

If you prefer, you can create the configuration file using the code below:


Save the above code to a new file at: ".ABSPATH.CONFIGFILE; } fclose($config_h); } } if(count($error_strings) > 0) { foreach($error_strings as $es) { echo "$es
"; } } else { echo $install_complete; } break; } ?> © Copyright